Bahá'í Ads
A website to help Bahá'ís advertise to Bahá'ís and their friends.
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Bahá'ís may advertise here by entering information about how to contact themselves, and creating ad listings for products or services. Each ad may have an image associated with it that is designed to be 100 pixels by 100 pixels, jpeg, gif or png. Each advertiser may also have one banner ad that is designed to be 300 pixels by 60 pixels and will from time to time be displayed on the heading of the site itself. The banner will also be displayed with ad listings whenever they are accessed.

A tag system is employed to classify ads, hence every ad must specify one or more tags that it should appear under. These tag words are created by the advertisers themselves according to what best characterizes their products or services. New advertisers are advised to consider the list of tags currently defined by clicking the What button, above, and then specifying as many of those as make sense.

Advertisers are reminded that all information provided herein is for people to contact you directly and will be public to the most egregious extent imaginable. Steps have been take not to display the email address you will enter. Do not place an email address in your ad text unless you are aware that such email addresses will probably be extracted and added to spammers lists (that's how it gets started.) Hence it is important to use names, addresses, phone numbers. etc. that are already public. The email address you give for an ad will not be displayed with the ad; but, if you put one in your ad text, it will display for all to see.

To begin, please fill out the registration form and click Insert.

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